What is Foot Reflexology?

For some reason feet get a bad rep. They’re often associated with bad smell, being dirty, and overall, they are found to just be gross. Whether you’re a high performing athlete, a casual jogger, or you just need to walk to your kitchen to grab a quick snack, without feet these tasks would be extremely difficult.

         Beyond the obvious actions of walking and running, feet actually contribute a great deal to our overall well-being. In fact, every area of the foot correlates to organs and systems throughout the body. A quick Google search will show you thousands of intricate diagrams that highlight every acupressure point in our hands, feet, and so on. To save time, I have simplified it into four different zones.


Here at Futureproof, our therapists use the acupressure points across your body combined with massage therapy to help relieve pain. When booking a reflexology appointment, your session will go like this. It’ll start with a detoxifying mineral foot soak, bringing immediate relief to your overworked feet. Then the therapist will map out pressure points on your head and feet, massaging the necessary areas in order to bring relaxation and healing. Reflexology is more than just a foot massage, it is a science. Taking care of the toes and bottom of the feet can do wonders for your health! So next time you feel the aftermath of a tough workout or a stomach ache coming along, book here with us and let our experts aid you toward full body relief.

Devani Rodabaugh